Jewish Funeral Directors of America
The Jewish Funeral Directors of America, Inc. (JFDA) is an international association of 100 Jewish funeral homes and 170 Jewish funeral directors representing 23 states in the U.S., the District of Columbia and 2 Canadian provinces. Organized in 1932, JFDA is the oldest and largest organization of its kind.
JFDA’s meetings and seminars provide progressive educational content on a variety of topics ranging from Jewish funeral practices to current industry and legislative updates.
JFDA members are the experts to turn to when there is a death in the Jewish community. JFDA members work closely with all denominations of Judaism, ensuring traditional continuity, and are available to assist families with the arrangement of meaningful funerals, incorporating a variety of service options.

We pledge:
To guide, aid and support our members in honoring the deceased and comforting the bereaved by preserving, promoting and practicing the customs and traditions of the Jewish funeral.
JFDA Code of Ethics
The Jewish Funeral Directors of America, Inc., recognizing that that Jewish funeral service is a calling with great responsibilities, demanding high professional and service standards, eminently fair an honorable dealing with all whom we called to serve, reaffirms this Code of Ethics and Professional Guide, obligating each of us, always to conduct ourselves and our establishments in keeping with the great traditions of our calling and our faith.
We hereby pledge:
- Profound respect and careful observance of all instructions and the customs of every family, and in accordance with our faith.
- To treat with dignity and reverence those entrusted to our care and ministration.
- To comply strictly with all the laws, rules and regulations affecting our profession.
- To hold inviolate every confidence reposed in us.
- To be fair and honorable in all our dealings with clients, providing each of them complete freedom of choice of dignified and satisfying services within their means and preference.
- That the charges for our service shall be plainly stated in our selection room, catalog or otherwise.
- To make available to every family a written record of funeral service arrangement.
- That all advertising and announcements shall be clear, accurate and free of any misleading representations.
- To strive constantly for honorable relationships and close cooperation with the Rabbinate, the synagogues, and the temples.
- To observe all the rules of fair competition and cooperation with the other members of the profession.
- To safeguard public health, to uphold all the laws governing funeral service and to so conduct ourselves and our establishments as never to adversely affect the profession, the Jewish community, the Jewish Funeral Directors of America, Inc., or ourselves.