Want to advertise with the ICCFA?
ICCFA offers suppliers a full range of opportunities to reach thousands of cemetery, funeral and cremation professionals – the owners and operators who make purchasing decisions and have buying power. We are the only association in deathcare to include all segments of the profession and are therefore your best choice for expanding your client base by promoting your products and services, raising your profile, and connecting with the deathcare community.
Advertising in Memento Mori can help you reach new clients quickly and cost-effectively. In survey after survey of our readers, Memento Mori rates as the most informative, highest quality trade magazine in the profession. A recent survey conducted by an independent ad agency found Memento Mori rated #1 among 21 trade publications as the most “consistently read.”
The options extend beyond print advertising. Consider opportunities available in ICCFA’s bi-weekly newsletter, Wireless. Sent to our members with topical news and information, Wireless is a great way to be in the inbox of the ICCFA community.
Download our Media Kit to view the pricing and information on all available advertising opportunities.
Advertising Options
Online Display Ads
Reach a Captive Audience of Industry Members on the Association’s Website
The ICCFA’s website is a hub of knowledge, news, resources and tools for deathcare profession members and consumers. Our website receives more than 67,000 unique visitors and 250,000 page views per year.
A new option for suppliers, you can now share your company’s message in a 15-second video advertisement that will play in the new digital flipbook edition of Memento Mori!
ICCFA Magazine Display Ads
Maximum Exposure: Published 10 times a year and sent to 7,500+ businesses
Memento Mori can help you reach new clients quickly and cost-effectively. Because it is published by the only association that serves all segments of the cemetery, cremation and funeral service profession, it is your best choice for expanding your client base!
Wireless Ads
Advertise Directly to our Members’ Inboxes; Space is Limited!
Wireless is ICCFA’s bi-weekly electronic newsletter exclusively for its members and sent out to more than 8,500 subscribers.
Electronic Advertising at its Finest
Online and Wireless Classified Ads
Do you have a job available or are you looking for a position in the funeral, cemetery and memorialization industry? Need to buy or sell products or property? Post your classified ad today in ICCFA’s Wireless e-newsletter and on iccfa.com! Wireless goes out via e-mail to all ICCFA members, while our website receives more than 20,000 unique visitors per month on average.
Digital Video Advertisements
Display videos in the online version of Memento Mori
The ICCFA now offers the option to share your company’s message in a 15-second video advertisement that will play in the new digital flipbook edition of Memento Mori! Please note that a video advertisement must be accompanied by a print advertisement. Check out page 8 of the 2023 Media Kit for more details.
Advertising FAQ
If you still have questions, or need more information about advertising, contact Rick Platter, Supplier Relations Manager at 571.323.2985 or email rplatter@iccfa.com.