Must a casket be transported to the cemetery in a hearse?
While a hearse or casket coach is most commonly used for this purpose, other options are often appropriate. Families might consider ...
Should a child attend a funeral?
Children grieve just as adults do. Any child old enough to form a relationship will experience some form of grief when ...
Must an obituary be published in a newspaper?
The publication of an obituary notice is a matter of your personal choice. While most newspapers control the editorial format, you ...
Will the funeral home help with Social Security and Veterans death benefits?
Quality service firms will not only assist with securing these death benefits, they will most likely complete all the paperwork for ...
Must I purchase a burial vault?
In most areas of the country, state or local law does not require that you buy a container to surround the ...
What are burial vaults and grave liners?
These are the outside containers into which the casket is placed. Burial vaults are designed to protect the casket, and may ...
Can I build my own casket?
As a matter of fact, you can, although as a matter or practicality, it may present some storage challenges for you. ...
What about these independent discount casket companies? Can’t I buy my casket there and use it when needed?
Yes, It is certainly a financially sound decision to purchase anything at today’s prices which can then be used as a ...
Why are some casket prices more than others?
It depends upon the materials with which the casket is made. Obviously, a casket made of bronze would be priced higher ...
What are the different types of burial caskets?
Most caskets are made of either wood or metal. Metal caskets are made of either bronze, copper, steel or stainless steel. ...
How can I get an idea about the costs of caskets?
All funeral homes are required by the Federal Trade Commission to have casket price lists available to the public at all ...
Will life insurance pay for funerals?
Yes, as a convenient method of payment, most quality funeral homes will allow for an insurance assignment. This assignment transaction is ...