Do all religions permit cremation?
Some religions prefer cremation; some do not recommend the practice; most permit you to choose. Should you have any questions or ...
How big of a price difference is there with cremation compared to standard ground burial?
The cost depends on the type of permanent memorial, location of the memorial, urn and placement selected.
Can I take the cremated remains home?
Yes. The remains are normally placed in an urn. Most families select an urn that is suitable for placement on a ...
If I am cremated, can I be buried with my spouse even if he or she was in a casket?
Yes — Depending upon the cemetery’s policy, you may be able to save a grave space by having the cremains buried ...
If I’m going to be cremated, why would I want my remains to be placed in a columbarium, or interred or scattered at the cemetery?
As long as it is permitted by local regulations, your cremated remains can be scattered in a place that is meaningful ...
What is memorialization for a cremation?
You might choose ground burial of the urn. If so, you may usually choose either a bronze memorial or monument. Also ...
Can I scatter the remains on private property?
Yes, with permission of the owner.
What can be done with the cremated remains?
With cremation, your options are numerous. The cremains can be interred in a cemetery plot, i.e., earth burial, retained by a ...
Can we have the service before or after the cremation?
It’s completely a matter of family preference. Many times when a family is split regarding the decision to cremate, a compromise ...
Do I have to make different funeral arrangements if I chose cremation?
It really depends entirely on how you wish to commemorate a life. One of the advantages of cremation is that it ...
Is cremation a substitution for a funeral?
No, cremation is simply a method of preparing human remains for final disposition.
Do all funeral homes and cemeteries have a crematory?
No – actually only a small percentage of cremation service providers have their own cremation units.