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Lori Salberg, CSE, CXE, Executive Director, J3Tech Solutions

Forbes Magazine identifies 5 Key characteristics of high performing teams as having Trust, Clear Communication, Defined Roles and Responsibilities, Engaged Leadership, and Collective Goals. Each of these characteristics are attainable when leaders use data to drive operations and measure success. But what do you measure and how do you analyze results to make data actionable?

In this webinar, Lori will provide a plan for collecting the right data to set goals, spot trends, and take actionable steps to improve overall performance and develop sustainable, high performing teams.

Lori Salberg is a sales and operations leader specializing in identifying growth opportunities for cemeteries and funeral homes. She is considered a thought leader with insights on national trends and has spent the past two years studying how the customer experience impacts the bottom line. As director of technology at Johnson Consulting Group, Lori customizes business solutions that widen market share, increase profitability, and enhance employee engagement. Lori serves as Chair of the ICCFA Membership Committee. She also serves as a member of the ICCFA Sales and Marketing Committee, the Catholic Cemetery Conference marketing and PR committee, and the new NYSAC publications committee.


“Data Driven Results” Webinar Sponsored By: