Funeral Consumer Alliance Takes a Survey
I admit it, I’m jealous. The Funeral Consumer Alliance (FCA), the funeral profession’s staunchest critic, joined with the Consumer Federation of ...
Cultivation vs Stewardship – The Real Profit Builder
Business professionals continue to discover that they can generate more value for their business by moving up the value chain – ...
A “Happy” Death, a “Happy” Funeral
A “Happy” Death, a “Happy” Funeral; I don’t know if there can be such a thing as a happy death or, ...
“Money” Makes the World Go Around
I’ve learned to detect a media hit job on the funeral profession whenever I see a reference to Jessica Mitford’s book, ...
The Power of Funeral Home Visibility
“Behold I have set before you an open door . . . . “ Rev: 3:8 I have often wondered privately ...
Education for the sake of education
In the last several weeks the subject of mortuary education has again popped up. One of the professional journals did a ...
Funeral service is NOT “recession proof”
My editor and good buddy Susan Loving, who is outstanding at her job, sends me news items now and then, which ...