Maintaining Sales Momentum during COVID-19

COVID-19 has forced dramatic changes upon cemeteries and funeral homes. Just a few weeks ago, we thought everything might go back to normal relatively quickly. Now we know better. As a consequence, we are forced to reconsider some of the business decisions that we made when the crisis first broke. For example, many cemeteries and funeral homes suspended or cut way back on their pre-need selling activities. But what if we don’t return to any sense of normalcy for months? What will be the cost to our business?

This webinar’s 5 panelists share ways to effectively create pre-need sales revenue safely during these unprecedented times without generating negative feedback.

Join Gary O’Sullivan, Welton Hong, David Shipper, Aaron Shipper, and John Callaghan who are working with clients every day to identify pre-need opportunities during COVID-19.

COVID-19: How to handle employment matters

As a workforce deemed essential to the ongoing pandemic response, deathcare businesses and their employees continue rise to the call and serve their communities. COVID-19 has changed how we work, and has brought with it new questions and concerns about safety in the workplace, sick leave, furloughs, job security, and liability risks.

Join ICCFA General Counsel, Poul Lemasters, and his guests Gary Freytag, Stephanie Ramsey, Michael Pepperman and Ivo Becica, who will share their insights on employment matters during this time of COVID-19 from a management, human resources, and labor and employment law perspective. This webinar will be held on Thursday, May 14, 2020, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EDT and will be presented on Zoom.

  • Management perspective: Gary Freytag, CCFE, Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum
  • HR perspective: Stephanie Ramsey, The Foresight Companies, LLC
  • Labor and Employment Law perspective: Michael Pepperman, Esq. & Ivo Becica, Obermayer Rebmann Maxwell & Hippel LLP

COVID-19: How to Handle the Deceased – Part II

To Embalm or Not To Embalm . . . and More Questions You Have on Handling the Deceased

We hear you loud and clear – you have more questions. So ICCFA wants to give more answers. In this follow-up webinar to “How to Handle the Deceased”, we will talk one-on-one with Karl Wenzel and address even more topics. From removals to final disposition; from identification to storage; and of course, to embalm or not to embalm. We will address some new issues, but also offer a deeper dive into topics that we discussed on the previous webinar. There will be useful information for all those in deathcare – so please take the time to not only listen; but submit your questions before and during this interactive, live webinar. And no, there is no pre-requisite requirement that you attended the first webinar!

COVID-19: How to Handle the Deceased – Part I

Taking care of the dead during the COVID-19 pandemic has the deathcare profession’s undivided attention as we all seek the latest perspective on best practices during this unprecedented time.

The first in this Q&A series focused on How to Handle the Deceased. Moderated by ICCFA General Counsel, Poul Lemasters, our guests included Mat Forastiere, Jim Starks and Karl Wenzel, who shared their hands-on operational knowledge and experiences from a cemetery, cremation and embalming perspective.
