ICCFA Executive Director, Nadira Baddeliyanage, spoke with American Funeral Director Editorial Director, Patti Martin Bartsche, about the exciting changes coming up at the 2025 ICCFA Experience. Read their conversation below:
Can you talk a little about what went into the decision to do a total reset of what was formerly known as the ICCFA Annual Convention?
For the past 27 years I’ve been in the profession, conventions have followed the same format. But the deathcare industry is evolving, and the way we serve families is changing too. ICCFA wanted to inject excitement, fun, and fresh energy into learning. We set out to create a dynamic new format where attendees and exhibitors can engage in a high-energy, enjoyable environment while still learning and doing business. It’s all about creating a completely new EXPERIENCE! That’s what inspired us to shake things up and try something different.
Why was 2025 the right time?
ICCFA is led by visionary, forward-thinking leaders who are eager to disrupt the status quo and drive positive change. When we gathered to revisit our strategic initiatives, reimagining our convention format was at the top of the list. There’s no better time than now to make bold changes, and that’s how the 2025 ICCFA Experience was born! It’s all about bringing something fresh and exciting for our members—and we can’t wait to see it unfold.
Is the concept of conventions changing, and what have you heard from attendees, members, and vendors?
Conventions will continue to exist in the future, but how we experience them will change. In-person events will always remain a priority for us. There are some professions/industries that have evolved to hybrid or virtual formats for their meetings, but we are in the people business, and nothing compares to the value of face-to-face interaction. Conventions have long been key for networking, learning, and discovering new products and services. They’re the best places to reconnect with old colleagues and forge new connections, and they bring great value to the profession. But with so many conventions each offering similar experiences, we are truly excited to give our attendees and exhibitors a new way to Experience a convention! Attendees and Exhibitors will appreciate ICCFA taking this opportunity to change things up.
What can attendees expect from this year’s event?
Attendees can expect a fresh and engaging experience this year, all under one roof. We have an exciting keynote speaker, Clint Pulver, who will share insights on creating organizations that people don’t want to leave. And rather than breaking out into meeting rooms for our educational sessions, we are keeping it all on the expo floor with three stages showcasing topics that have been hand-picked by our convention committee for their relevance and application. And because we are all staying in the Expo Hall, attendees will have even more exposure to our exhibitors to learn about their new products and services.
We have moved the President’s Welcome Reception & Banquet to the first night, where Lee Longino of Service Corporation International will pass the presidential gavel to Robert Gordon Jr. of Cypress Lawn Funeral Home and Memorial Park. We’ll also honor Past President Jay Dodds with the ICCFA Educational Foundation’s Lasting Impact Award. This will be followed by two full days of exhibiting and educational sessions. We will close out The ICCFA Experience with the Irwin W. Shipper Legislative Session and Reception, where we will highlight the year’s advocacy work on behalf of our members and profession. It’s truly going to be a valuable and memorable Experience for all!
What are you most excited about?
What excites me most is the change in format—this year, it’s going to feel more like a festival, a true celebration! Everything will be happening in the convention hall: the keynote, exhibits, educational sessions, ‘Meet the Expert’ conversation hubs, plus free food, and drink for all. It’s shaping up to be a high-energy, fun learning experience for everyone.
Why is change good?
Change brings opportunity, along with the chance for learning and growth. Staying open-minded, curious about new ways, and applying them to better serve our families and communities is how we make progress.
The 2025 ICCFA Experience is happening April 30-May 3 at the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. Registration is open with special discounted rates for ICCFA Members. Save your spot today!